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Home » Site News » Guide to Aoc Gold Making
Are you in a need to start making lots of AOC Gold? Aoc Gold is the same currency as gold and you will need it to keep your head up. You can make lots of Aoc Gold on basically 2 ways. Start Making Aoc Gold by Grinding For Materials One thing that you can do is to start grinding for materials. You can do this by killing creatures for materials or essences. This is pretty boring and time consuming but eventually you will make a decent amount of gold. Also, if you are lucky there will be a couple of extra drops for you which can sell for a nice amount of Aoc Gold. Start Making Aoc Gold by Doing Quests The other thing that you can do is that you will actually start making lots of Aoc Gold by doing quests. To do this, you should basically do grind quests. This way, you do grinding and questing together so you will get an extra reward. This is nice because when you are only grinding, you might get some lucky drops, but when you add quests to it you will get different quest reward also. This can be only Aoc Gold, but also items which can be sold to vendors. Use the Auction House Eventually, when you are done with the grinding or the quests, you should go to the auction house and sell the items, materials and essences that you have obtained. However, to do this on the best way, it is highly recommended to use a guide that will show you gold making technique. This guide will tell you the best places to grind, quest and how to sell the items, materials or essences that you have obtained on the best way, for the best price.
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