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Home » Site News » Build a stockpile of ships
The above mentioned golden rule is solid advice and gives a telling insight into the way PvP works in Dofus. Especially when you are still learning the ropes, you can expect to die a lot. Even veteran pilots will need to regularly replace their ships, making it a good idea to keep a small stockpile of replacements. The main reason to keep a stockpile is to force yourself to spend only what you can afford to lose. If you can not afford at least three or four replacements of your PvP ship, that is a strong indicator that you should be using much cheaper ships. Using ships and gear that you can afford to replace will lead to shorter breaks to make dofus kamas. By flying cheap enough ships which are still effective in combat, it can even possible to collect enough loot on PvP outings to stay self sufficient entirely through PvP. Depending on whether you know the area you will be fighting in or not, a stockpile of ships can also provide a tactical advantage. During defense of star systems in nullsec, pilots with replacement ships in the system can hop right into one and be back in their fleet in a matter of minutes, lag permitting. The ability to keep fleet numbers high during a battle can be a huge advantage to the defending side in a fight. In faction warfare, or corporate wars in high security space, you will also have the luxury of knowing where you will be fighting and can stage your stockpile of ships to reduce downtime between fights. Rather than spending an hour or so picking up a new ship and fittings every time you're killed, you can just return to your home base and be ready for the next fleet that is heading out.
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