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Home » Site News » You can use your 30 points to raise a s...
The white stats are less important, but they also will stay static for your character\'s lifetime. That is something to keep in mind. Also, the assignment of Lotro Gold points is not a direct 1 for 1 basis. If you were to put all of your points into one stat, the first 10 would take 10 of your reserve points, the next 5 would take 2 each and the next 3 would take 3 each. Thus, you can use your 30 points to raise a single stat a maximum of 18 points, or you can use them to raise three different stats 10 points each. Here are the attributes (the descriptions are preliminary, as I am still trying to find out about some things): 1) Strength - Dictates battle skill and also dictates the total weight of the items you can carry. 2) Constitution - Dictates how many hit points you get. 3) Dexterity - Determines speed in combat 4) Quickness - Determines reflexes and reaction time. 5) Intelligence - Determines amount of Power a Caster has 6) Piety - Determines amount of Power a Healer has 7) Empathy - I believe this affects charm type spells. 8) Charisma - Affects how NPC\'s react to you. Once you are done with this, click on the proceed button and save your character. You are now ready to play the game.
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