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Home » Site News » WoW: Halloween Festival in Azeroth!

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Observed by both the Horde and the Alliance, Hallow´s End is the celebration of the break between the Forsaken and the Scourge. Adventurers can speak to innkeepers to get silly masks to wear during their adventures, and much more Observed by both the Horde and the Alliance, Hallow´s End is the celebration of the break between the Forsaken and the Scourge. Adventurers can speak to innkeepers to get silly masks to wear during their adventures, and much more. This is just one way to celebrate Hallow´s End. Read below for more things to do during spooky season on Azeroth! Type: Seasonal Holiday Date: October 18 to November 1 Location: Stormwind, Ironforge, Darnassus, Orgrimmar, Undercity, Thunderbluff, any inn Trick or Treat Every year during Hallow´s End, adventurers celebrate the time when the Forsaken broke away from the Scourge. Heroes for the Horde and Alliance can speak with any innkeeper and get a Treat Bag with a fun surprise inside! Open it as soon as you get it or else it will fade away. Be wary, though. The innkeepers are just as likely to trick you, changing your perspective on life. In addition to the innkeepers with their tricks and their Treat Bags, adventurers can purchase sweets from vendors in Orgrimmar and Ironforge. If candy isn´t quite your thing, no problem! Every inn has a tub prepared for a game of Bobbing for Apples. Also, Jesper, an orphan in Stormwind, and Spoops, an orphan in Orgrimmar, are both sick and can´t join in the Hallow´s End festivities themselves. Brave adventurers can make these two children feel better by speaking with certain innkeepers and bringing the treats they give you back to the orphans as a gift. Wickerman Fest The Wickerman Festival, which takes place outside the Undercity every evening, promises fun for the Horde and the Alliance! For those interested more in tricks than treats, Darkcaller Yanka wants members of the Horde to throw stink bombs at the Alliance town of Southshore. Sergeant Hartman in Southshore encourages members of the Alliance to do their best to stop the Horde lest they be stuck cleaning up the stink! To get back at the Horde, he´ll also ask you to crash the Wickerman Festival outside of the Undercity. Everyone is advised to sharpen their blades, tighten their girths, and prepare for battle! The Headless Horseman Adventurers who find themselves in goldshire, Azure Watch, Kharanos, Brill, Razor Hill, or Silvermoon City may stumble upon the Headless Horseman as he flies over the town, inciting terror in the populace and setting their homes and buildings ablaze! Those who are brave of heart should talk to the Costumed Orphan Matron nearby to learn how they can help douse the flames and bring down the headless horror. Heroes who wish to vanquish this scary shade for once and for all should head to his shrine located in the Scarlet Monastery graveyard. Once there, adventurers can summon and defeat him, ending his terrifying travails for good.