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Home » Site News » WoW: Direct competition with hunters fo...
The down side is, more direct competition with hunters for mail drops, but from a shaman's perspective that's just shifting who we compete with from two classes (rogues and druids) to one (hunters). And I'm sure there will still be leather drops that both hunters and shamans look at and go "oooh". We'll know more as we get a chance to see more of the actual items. Another benefit is that, as we now get one AP from strength and one from agi, our new Strength of Earth totem with both strength and agility will provide us with roughly the same benefit. As for talents for enhancement, in addition to Mental Dexterity (placed on the third tier, so reasonably easy for shamans to pick it up) the other new standouts are Spectral Transformation, Feral Spirit and Maelstrom Weapon. Because I am slightly perverse we're going to talk about Maelstrom Weapon first. The tooltip states when you critically hit with a melee weapon, you reduce the cast time of your next Lightning Bolt, Chain Lightning or Lava Burst spell by 20%. Stacks up to 5 times. Lasts 15 seconds. So if I'm reading it correctly, a five stack of Maelstrom Weapon would allow you to cast an instant LB, CL or Lava Burst. Lava Burst being one of our new spells and one we'll cover much more thoroughly in our roundup of elemental combat. This seems like it could add a great deal of variety to enhancement, as you try and work up a full five stack, and then use Shamanistic Focus to get a 60% mana cost reduction on Flame Shock which you would then follow up with an instant cast guaranteed critical hit with Lava Burst. And that's just one way you could use the talent... if grinding multiple mobs you might want to use it for a big CL instead.
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