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Home » Site News » WoW: About Cleanse Spirit
Cleanse Spirit, for 31 points in restoration, allows restoration shamans to finally remove curses as well as poison and disease. My entire reaction to this can be summed up as "This is good." An impressive ability coming in for restoration shamans is the new 51 point talent, Spirit Link. I still have loads and loads of questions about this ability. As the tooltip stands, we know that it can link up to three players (the target of the ability and two friendly targets, I assume the caster counts) and shares 50% of the damage any of the targets takes between them. If any single blow is enough to deal 30% of a target's total health or if the damage shared is going to take any one of those targets below 20% health (or, as I like to call it, execute range) then Spirit Link goes bye-bye. Now, I assume that Spirit Link doesn't share healing between the three linked targets. That would be freaking insane. Besides, that's what we have OP chain heals for. There's still a lot we don't know about this ability (I suspect, based on the tooltip, that you can't have three resto shamans all linking the same target in Spirit Links to end up sharing his damage with six other people, for instance, as it says in the tooltip that you may have only one link active at a time and I bet that includes everyone in the link, but I don't actually know this to be true, it just seems logical) but it still has all sorts of possibilities.
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