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Home » Site News » The loss of Nature's Guidance
Taken on its own, restoration is looking pretty solid to go deep in. As for synergy between it and elemental or enhancement, it's lost a good deal of that with the loss of Nature's Guidance. This makes restoration less the 'default' choice for your other talent points and gives shamans some (possibly unwanted) options, as well as ensuring that shamans are going to start looking at hit on gear more seriously. As we discussed in the preceding posts, elemental and enhancement have some interesting options for synergy with talents like Elemental Devastation and Maelstrom weapon for an Enhance/Elemental spec. Elemental might adopt some low tier enhancement talents like Shamanistic Focus and blend some melee into their DPS (although I'd have to admit, I don't think I'd personally want to do that as an elemental shaman). Another difficulty for restoration shamans is that, in order to get all the deep resto talents you might want, you're going to have to spend big (this example talent build shows you what I mean) and that can mean you won't be able to go into enhancement or elemental for any real depth. Of course, that talent build isn't the result of weeks or months playing the spec to 80 and discovering that X talent isn't as good as it looks, so who knows? In the end, I think we're looking at a combination of less cookie cutter "and resto up to Nature's Guidance" builds and more experimentation with what the various talent trees offer each other. Resto still has goodies like Totemic Mastery and Tidal Mastery to tempt other specs, so I doubt it will be abandoned totally, but now there's a good chance people might decide to go more on the offensive with their spec choices. I'm interested in seeing how it all shakes out. And this ends my pontification. Now, it's up to you guys to contribute your thoughts, or withold them and be forever... well, unheard, I guess.
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