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Home » Site News » The biggest changes to the restoration ...
I personally hope that this estimate is low. By level 80 I expect stamina values to be significantly higher (a well geared T5/T6 tank can have well over 22k health, as much as 26k on some right now. So I expect tanks in blues to be easily pushing 19k by the time we're all 80) so I'd hope for double both those numbers. But I'm still excited for Earth living, especially for leveling shamans or shamans who need to heal in a pinch. Throw on your healing weapon and imbue it for extra oomph. One of the biggest changes to the restoration tree is something that's been lost, a talent that used to encourage enhancement and elemental shamans to spend points here. Nature's Guidance will be replaced on the tree by Improved Water Shield. This means that people who specced into restoration for the hit bonus will need to look elsewhere to make it up, either on gear or in alternative talents. Most elemental shamans took this talent in addition to Elemental Precision, so it's not like they're going to switch those points to a talent they already had, and similarly most enhancement shamans were already taking Dual Wield Specialization. So effectively both specs have lost 3% hit and must look to gear to make up the gap. I don't know if an increased mana regent talent that will speed up the rate in which you have to cast Water Shield (thus using the GCD) is worth losing 3% hit. In fact, scratch that. It's not. This is not a good change for restoration at this level and basically hurts it for elemental and enhancement shaman who previously knew they were going to be spending points in the tree to get the talent, which in fact may be Blizzard's intention, to make resto less of a 'I have to spend these points in this tree' talent option for other specs.
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