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Home » Site News » The Travel of World of Warcraft (II)
The Travel of World of Warcraft (II) The press administrator sat me down at a computer, and asked if I wanted to play Horde or Alliance. Naturally, I said Horde. I was going to at least stay in my comfort zone. He logs into an account for me and I see 8 level 70 characters, all of which are free game for me to play with. My two primary characters were a priest and a warlock, and here I was flying solo and actually wanted to be able to live, so I chose the warlock and entered Northrend. It was at this moment that I knew why I couldn't take any screenshots. It was beautiful. I was logged into the Howling Fjord and the first thing I noticed was the trees and the detail. The graphical progression WoW has made over the past three years is phenomenal and you can really see the improvements in the Wrath of the Lich King content. I grabbed a few quests, set up some hotbars and began riding around. The quests were typical. Nothing is out of the ordinary, yet. Kill, burn some corpses, let loose a beast at some camp. Now, I remembered why I was tiring out on WoW. No matter what, the fundamentals will always be the same - however, that is the case for almost every MMO and will probably never change. It's just something that you accept. I stopped doing quests at this point and started to explore the area taking it all in. Everyone knows the new features of Wrath at this point, so it's not worth getting into all of it again. I wandered through Howling Fjord, Grizzly Hills and Dragonsblight hoping to eventually make it to Storm Peaks. However, Blizzard cursed that with their dreaded "No Man's Land". As soon as I crossed the border, I was teleported back to Howling Fjord. The thoughts going through my mind at this point was that I was enjoying myself, but for how long? Will I buy Wrath? Yes. Will I play? For awhile, but I'm not really planning on going back into The Burning Crusade anytime soon. There is enough there to reinvigorate the dying WoW spirit inside of me. So, Blizzard did it right again. Wrath is a strong expansion. Blizzard is doing, as always, their finest work. The content is great, the environment is exquisite, and the world is enthralling, and the newest additions such as Death Knights and the new dungeons. It'll get me back in game for awhile anyway, but for how long is to be determined.
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