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Home » Site News » Raid guide for WOW players
wow gold could help us to upgrade character easily and quickly. It is convenient to use and it can be used widely, especially when we are raiding. In order to help you earn more warcraft gold, we will provide a raiding guide. At first, we need find a raid. The most common and easiest method to start raiding is to find a raiding guild with an open spot. The realm forums provided by Blizzard are a very good starting point. The alternative would be to try and start a new raiding guild, but this is as hard as make cheap wow gold to do without prior raid experience. To have a good chance to get an invite to a raiding guild, the following technical aspects can help: 1. Have some decent equipment. It does not have to be all-epic, but there is rather good gear available from heroics or PvP), and a few 10 man items help to display resolve and dedication. Try to gem and enchant everything at least minimally-nothing says lazy like empty gem slots. 2. The Application should be well written and thought out 3. Try to find a matching guild 4. The last point is really important and works both ways. A dedicated, reliable and serious player should look for a serious raiding guild, while casual or fun oriented future raiders should look for a more casual guild. Matching player and guild character is actually not so much a question of gear, the more progressed guilds are usually aware that it's hard to gear up beyond a certain level without an opportunity to raid. wow money is very helpful, so we need try our best to earn. A somewhat related aspect is that of chosen role and spec. Progress oriented guilds used to have rather tight "job descriptions", when they wanted a healing druid, they were usually not interested in a holy paladin. Similarly, serious raid groups usually had only a limited number of Off-spec spots; some spec might not have been accepted at all. These rules were rather strict in vanilla WOW where each class usually had exactly one raid-capable spec, became softer in TBC when most classes had 2 or 3 raid specs, and have all but vanished with WLK. When you earn enough gold via raid, you do not need buy wow gold again.
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