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Home » Site News » LOTRO :Gotta Love Those Elitists

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Maybe it's my mama's thorough upbringing or the fact that I live in small town USA where we say "howdy" to each other on the street, "excuse me" when we bump someone at the gas station, and "please" and "thank you" in the grocery store checkout line, but I'm often disappointed and appalled by the behavior of adults on this game. My experience yesterday, however, takes the ultimate cake. I was in another SG group on Gladden started by a guard that wanted to learn the ropes of the instance. He recuited five other folks, me included, and we were good to go until this captain in the group said that he'd done this instance many times and therefore would be happy to lead the group if the guard passed him leadership. Relieved to have an experienced leader, the guard did so. This captain then proceeded to inspect and then axe everyone in the group that didn't meet his gear requrements - Second Age 65 weaponry, full sets of Dol Guldur rad gear, and complete sets of Malledhrim jewelry. The guard that started the group? Gone - because he had Moria rad. Three other people were thrown out of the group and replaced with hand-picked members in "perfect" gear. One of the people axed was an LM kin of mine. The captain inspected him, spent 30 seconds humliating him for having a pet amulet equipped, and told him this group couldn't possibly finish SG as long as he was in it since his "**** jewelry piece" was adversely affecting his DPS. (He replaced the LM with a warden.) Throughout the entire instance, if the captain made a request or directed anyone to do something, he added on a phrase like, "Do you think you could actually handle that?" or "Do you even have a clue what's going on?" If someone made a mistake - accidentally popped a bone pile or got the group stunned - he basically intimated that they should just turn their computer off, climb in their bathtub, and slit their wrists because they must be hopeless in RL if they suck this much in a stupid game. I'd have left the group, but I wanted to see if this self-righteous ***** would get the instance completed in HM. In the end, his hand-picked group never even got Gorothul below 100K before wiping repeatedly in easy mode. I've never seen SG go so badly. I'd have laughed if the whole miserable experience wasn't so sick and sad. I feel the worst for my LM friend who can't play all that much because he works two jobs and has a large family. He plays the game for the lore and so the epics are his favorite part. This was the second group he'd managed to get into since reaching 65 and it's the last epic he needs, but he got dismissed without a "by your leave" because he committed the cardinal sin of having had a pet amulet equipped at the time of the instance. (Don't know about anyone else, but I've finished SG several times and none of those groups got strip searched beforehand. We did just fine in our "****** Moria rad sets," Galadhrim jewelry, and Third Age 65 weps.)