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Home » Site News » Hunter of LOTRG
Lord Of The Rings Gold is the heart of the game. At its heart, the Hunter is one of the easier classes in the game to play, though mastery of your Hunter's late game play requires nearly as much deftness and skill as the act of archery itself. Leola is an example of a character from the books who resembles the Hunter class; though any other skilled archer could also justify the title. Role The primary role of Hunter is DPS, especially single target DPS. Hunters do more damage to single targets than any other class in the game, and are above average when it comes to multiple target DPS. The Hunter also boasts an impressive array of secondary skills, including unparalleled travel capabilities, making them a welcome addition to any fellowship on the move. Race Any of the four races can be a Hunter. You should play whatever race you enjoy the most, though Elves enjoy a few advantages. They have higher agility than the other races and, late in the game, acquire a racial skill that increases their damage with a bow, the primary weapon of Hunter. Hobbits and Men are good secondary choices for Hunters. Dwarves Hunters can take more of a beating than those of other races, but the lower agility of Dwarves is a slight hindrance. Attributes There is really only one attribute to prioritize with Hunters, and that is agility. A Hunter will do most of their fighting with a bow, and agility determines how much damage their ranged attacks do and how often they land critical hits. Agility should always be a highest attribute of Hunter, by far, even if they have to sacrifice something from other attributes to maximize their score. Skills Proper use of focus meter is to success as a damage dealer. Many basic combat skills add focus, and stronger attacks consume focus as they are used. Finally, movement reduces focus; as such, a Hunter should try to stand in one spot, without moving, for as long as possible during a fight.
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