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Home » Site News » Dungeon Fighter Online Official Launch ...
Act 1: Warriors Unleased is coming June 9th! Yes, the Dungeon Fighter Online official launch is almost upon us. As we gallop toward our June 9th launch date, this post will be your feed for all of the latest information. Check back here every few days for more details on the launch content. First up, the Female Gunner... 5/26/2010 - The Female Gunner Empyrean law mandates that each female child take a test before her fifth birthday. Those who demonstrate exceptional talent are then able to enter into extensive training, prepping them to join an elite division of the Imperial Guards called the Imperial Princess Garden. Women of this privileged minority end up not only defending Empyrean from its enemies, but also playing leadership roles in their societies, lending their expertise to all sorts of technology, from instruments of war to vital communication technologies. The female-dominated culture of Empyrean certainly has its advantages. Female Gunner - Ranger "I've yet to meet a gun I can't out run...or a soul who can out run mine." While most male Rangers hail from the lawless district of Empyrean, most female Rangers are fully-trained members of the Imperial Army. Those cadets in the Empyrean army who show an affinity for firearms are selected for rigorous Ranger training. When they complete this program, they join a secret state organization formed to execute dangerous, covert operations. Some Rangers are even tasked with protecting the royal family, including the young princess. Female Gunner - Launcher "Ah, so many beautiful bodies all gathered together. A beautiful sight, indeed. As if they were just there waiting for blow them all away. Lock and load!" Some claim that heavy firearms require a degree of physical stamina not found among females. The women of Empyrean prove them wrong. Intense training and sheer willpower have molded these women into brutal Launchers. While female Launchers don't pack heat as heavy as their male counterparts, they are far more agile. After the three-year war against the Empire that began when the Kartels attacked Ghent, the Empyrean Army formed an elite corps of female Launchers to protect Imperial cities. Female Gunner - Mechanic "The cold metallic body of a deadly mechanical device...caressed by the soft warmth of a feminine hand." Through the ages, Empyrean women have played an important role in the field of mechanics. In fact, three of the seven Masters were female. Female Mechanics have developed a technology unique from-and more practical than-that of their male counterparts. There are many female Mechanics actively working in Seven Shards, the greatest research facility in Empyrean. Female Gunner - Spitfire "I have a capricious mood that shifts whenever I endow my bullets with a different elemental power...which means you never know how you are going to die." In Empyrean culture, females have traditionally played an active role in fields that require combat strategies, like varying the bullet you use depending on the situation, and analyzing your combat theater to determine how best to employ traps. That may be why so many female names appear on lists of the most prominent Spitfires.
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