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Home » Site News » DFO :The Road to Launch -- Beta Journal 1
Greetings Dungeon Fighters! Lady Arad here. Welcome to the first Dungeon Fighter Online Beta Journal. I'll be with you through these journals from now through launch of DFO this summer. Summer 2010 Yes, you heard me. After many updates and months of testing, we're getting ready to launch Dungeon Fighter Online. We've got lots more work to do before that day comes, but we've fixed our sights on Summer 2010 for DFO to walk out the door as a live product! It's been a long journey to get here. Those of you who have been with us through the extended beta cycle understand that better than anybody. We've weathered bugs and maintenances and put out some great content updates to get here. All the while, we've put a lot of pressure on ourselves to reach our milestones on the way to launch. Taking a great game from inception to alpha to beta to eventual launch is all worth it on that magical day when you send something truly great into the world, the way we're preparing to do with Dungeon Fighter Online. The Light at the End of the Tunnel Putting DFO together is a lot like building a skyscraper.You can't just plop the pieces down any old way. You have to make sure that each piece is properly fitted in with its neighbors and can accept the weight it's being asked to bear before you can put another piece on top. We spent a lot of time just figuring out which sections of the game we would bring over and in what order we would launch them. While this was going on, we also had to make sure that the game continued to run and work like a self-contained experience while also taking into account the differing tastes of the Western audience. If you've been with us since the start of beta, you've seen first hand the many changes DFO has undergone. The localization, game content, and even the leveling curve have been updated since launch. Content releases such as Dawn of Retribution, Threshold of Power, and now Rise of the Awakened have opened, and we have many more in the pipeline. Our greatest priority now is addressing in-game latency issues, and we're looking at multiple solutions to improve performance. Part of the challenge has been that DFO was designed for Korea, the most wired country in the world. Localizing DFO for North America means improving network performance, and that is our biggest task left before launch. The Road to Launch The DFO team has established a road map that will take us through launch day. The first step has already been taken. We've just released the first set of Awakenings. These high-level skill and sub-class additions to the game are more than just awesome new additions, they represent the first element of true "end-game" content and a significant milestone for the game. Awakenings are something for the elite Dungeon Fighter to shoot for. If a massively multiplayer on-line game is a journey, this is the beginning of where you'll end up - with the kind of awesome powers and great challenges that make this game so much fun. This beta journal is the beginning of our countdown to launch. In these journal entries, we hope to share our team's progress through the remainder of beta. For now though, the end - and the beginning - are finally in sight and we couldn't be more excited.
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